As a new medical device treatment option, the Ultima Neuro Hand System, provides a non-invasive and non-narcotic treatment on afflicted hands and feet to reduce the pain, discomfort and symptoms associated with this painful condition.
The Ultima Neuro has been built with comfort and convenience in mind.The Ultima Neuro works in tandem with high-quality silver conductive material to deliver nerve targeted electrotherapy signals to treat your condition.
The Ultima Neuro also includes a TENS setting for additional functionality in treating a wide variety of other pain related ailments and at different areas of the body other than the hands and feet. The Neuro A and B mode are the main Neuropathy treatment modes, and have been specifically designed to target this type of nerve pain. As well, the Ultima Neuro offers TENS treatment sub-modes that can be used to treat a wide range of other nerve pain conditions.
The Ultima Neuro was designed to treat Peripheral Neuropathy of the hands and/or feet through treatment wraps that cover the extremity with circumferential electrotherapy stimulation. However, pre-gelled electrode pads can also be used with this system to treat other parts of the body if needed.
The Ultima Neuro is based off of TENS and Micro-current therapy settings, however,the Ultima Neuro goes beyond TENS by narrowing the output parameters to target the relief of peripheral neuropathy in the hands and feet.
Unlike a basic TENS stimulator, the Ultima Neuro signals are vastly more advanced and precise with an auto-feedback loop that allows the Neuro to regulate the voltage based on different tissue masses. So the stimulator knows when it is treating a heavy set person, vs. thin.
This auto adjustability helps tempo treatments to the individuals needs (i.e. impedance of tissue mass). Also, in the Neuro there is a monophasic waveform that is typically associated with pushing and moving fluids – which is a particularly effective wave form in treating pain associated from Neuropathy.